Visiting Artist Grants

Grants to bring artists and their expertise into the classroom

Program Details


Teachers can apply to bring an artist or art historian to their classroom. These are visual and material artists who would complement the lesson plan. This program is open to teachers at low-income (as determined by Title 1 status or percentage of students eligible for Free and Reduced-Price Lunch) public schools for TK-12th grade in Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo, and San Francisco counties. Examples: painter, sculptor, wood carver, weaver.

Limit of five grants per school and one grant per teacher.


Grants of up to $500 can pay for the artist’s time and classroom materials for the lesson.


Send your application in as soon as it is ready – money is limited. Funding will be immediately available, if approved.

Scan and email your application to Please do not fax.


It’s easy!

Scan and email a description of your idea on school letterhead, including the following information:

  • Date and Visiting Artist in the Classroom notation
  • School and district name, address, telephone and fax number
  • Your name, grade level and email address
  • Name, address and phone number of the visiting artist
  • Title 1 status and/or percentage of students eligible for Free and Reduced-Price Lunch
  • Total amount requested (Including taxes and shipping costs)
  • Description of your art project
  • Itemization of how the money will be spent (we encourage same grade level teachers to apply together to maximize this resource grant). Include how many hours the artist will give instruction, how many students will benefit, and itemized costs of artists and art resources needed for project.
  • Applications must be signed by both the submitting teacher and the school principal
  • Who the check should be made payable to (school, district or PTA only) and the address the check should be mailed to.

For questions, please contact us at (510) 645-1890 or

Teachers are encouraged to apply to have an artist visit their classroom! Teachers who might not have expertise in the art form presented by the visiting artist, are often able to use what they learn during the visiting artist’s presentation to model future lessons.

This program is working to fill a large need, and makes a difference in the number of students who receive inspirational, quality arts education. Interactive workshops from professional artists in the community are motivating to students, and increase both student and teacher morale.

We are now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year.



Follow us on Facebook and Twitter, where we are constantly updating you on which programs have funding and which programs have become exhausted.

This program is made possible with funding by The Geballe Family and the Maxwell | Hanrahan Foundation.

Help us keep this program thriving.

“This grant definitely helped me in my teaching by reinforcing once again how important the arts are for children!  Moreover, the materials and technique are doable in the classroom.  The visiting artist inspired my students and their teacher!”


– Andrea Soltero, fourth grade teacher

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