Technology, Engineering and Design Thinking Resource Grants

Grants designed to enhance STEAM curriculum through hands-on learning.

Program Details


Public school teachers for grades TK-12 in Alameda, Santa Clara or San Mateo County serving low-income students (as determined by Title 1 status and/or percentage of students eligible for Free and Reduced-Price Lunch).

Limit of five grants per school and one grant per teacher.


Grants of up to $1,000 are available for the school year and summer learning sessions to fund Technology, Engineering, Design Thinking and STEAM curriculum in the form of hands-on projects, classroom resources, curriculum supports, guest subject experts and professional development.

Examples: bringing in a subject expert to your classroom, supporting an after school or summer STEAM Club, a field trip to the TECH Interactive Museum or the Lawrence Hall of Science to explore aerodynamics and robotics exhibits and purchasing reusable design thinking resource kits like “Rigamajigs” for an entire class.


Send your application in as soon as it is ready – money is limited. Funding will be immediately available, if approved.


It’s easy! Simply scan and email a description of your idea on school letterhead, including the following information:

  • Date and Technology, Engineering and Design Thinking Grant notation
  • School and district name, address, telephone and fax number
  • Your name, email address, grade level
  • Title 1 status and/or percentage of students eligible for Free and Reduced-Price Lunch
  • Total amount requested
  • Description of your project
  • How many students will benefit
  • Itemization of how the money will be spent
  • Applications must be signed by both the submitting teacher and the school principal
  • Who the check should be made payable to (school, district or PTA only) and the address the check should be mailed to.

Scan and email your application to Please do not fax.


For questions, please contact us at (510) 645-1890 or

“As an educator, I strive to give my students as many opportunities to see and interact with the world around them as I can. Thank you for your generosity, it is truly appreciated!”

– Betty Yee, First Grade Teacher, Lincoln Elementary School, Oakland, California.

Funding is currently available for the 2024 – 2025 school year.



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This program is made possible with funding by The Maxwell | Hanrahan Foundation.

Help us keep this program thriving.

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