Invention Hub

Business incubator, brainstorming hub, and nonprofit workspace founded on the concept of radical collaboration

The Invention Hub is part non-profit workspace, incubator of socially good businesses, corporate brainstorming hub, and a job creation program. The very first project to launch here illustrates the nature of what we mean by radical collaboration. Just Business, a venture fund, is raising the capital to invest in a socially good coffee business, Amor Perfecto. Not for Sale, a non-profit that fights human trafficking, is creating a training program for survivors of human trafficking to work at Amor Perfecto. PVF is funding MISSSEY, an Oakland based nonprofit that serves sexually exploited youths, to send their youths to this training program. Companies like Juniper Networks, Salesforce, and Blue Bottle Coffee are lending their support. A portion of the profits from this business will go back to help this nonprofit cause. Lest you think this idea isn’t scalable, take a look at what Not For Sale has done with REBBL tea, which can now be found at a Whole Foods or market near you.

In a mere eight months, Not For Sale has taken its wisp of a dream and given it magnificent physical form. This is radical collaboration indeed. PVF was excited to be the original seed funder to get this idea off the ground. Through this kind of radical collaboration, we want to reinvent philanthropy, reinvent our companies, and reinvent our communities.



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“Why is it that the worlds of high tech companies, grassroots community organizations, venture funds, non-profits, family foundations, and community foundations rarely intersect? What if all of these circles could join together to reinvent philanthropy?”


– PVF’s Executive Director, James Higa, on the radical approach to philanthropy that defines the Invention Hub

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