Designated Funds
PVF acts as the fiscal depository for select organizations
in the process of receiving 501(c)(3) status.
In the spirit of expanding philanthropy and promoting outstanding charitable work, PVF serves as a fiscal sponsor for select projects that do not yet have their tax-exempt status but are otherwise ready to commence their charitable work. These Designated Funds, which fall into PVF’s funding focus, may be local, national, or international.
PVF manages each Designated Fund and prepares financial reports for the project leader. A Designated Fund provides donors with flexibility, enabling them to target support for innovative ideas. Donors can contribute to these charitable projects and receive a tax deduction for their contributions.
Many of our designated funds have gone on to great success, such as SIRUM, a nonprofit that redistributes unused medicine. You can learn more about our relationship with SIRUM here. Another designated fund alum, Chapter 510, is an Oakland-based literacy initiative that is reimagining how inner-city youth can expand their reading and writing skills in a creative way. You can learn more about Chapter 510 on our blog.
Current Designated Funds
- 3 L’s: The Academy
- 15 Percent Pledge
- Aide au Zanskar (AaZ-USA)
- Agency by Design Oakland
- API Giving Fund
- Bay Area Border Relief, Estamos Contigo
- Birth Queen
- Bright Minds Africa
- Building Belonging
- Catholic Worker House – Redwood City
- Civic Design Studio
- Cocokind Impact Foundation
- Computing Connections Fellowship
- Coralus (SheEO)
- Compassionate Chef’s Cafe
- Delta Education Collective
- Forest & Tree
- Generosity in Action
- Giving Gap
- Hate is a Virus
- Hella Heart Oakland
- IDEAL Bay Area
- Intergenerational Play Collective
- Introspective Spaces Collaborative Fund
- Institute for Social and Emotional Learning
- The Isiain Foundation
- The Jackie Speier Foundation
- Juvenile Justice Literacy
- Lesedi Schools & Clinic
- Menlo Park Fire Protection District
- Manzanita Works
- Maui Organizer Malama Fund
- Neurodivergent Youth Empowerment Fund
- New Light Wellness
- Oakland Thrives/Rise East
- Oakstop Effect
- Ohana Family Resources
- OHigh PTO
- Plastic Free Fridays
- Project Luangwa
- Reckon With
- Route 66 Pathway Project
- Sunrise Foundation
- Sustainable Future Outdoor Academy
- Tafika Fund
- TIDE Belize
- Time + Tide Foundation
- VentureMovingForward
- We Are Enough
- Women of Courage Award
- Yuri Kochiyama Solidarity Project
“The idea and need for Generosity in Action (GIA) – travelers helping in developing countries – came when I discovered that there was no easy way to accomplish the traveler’s wish to give back. I found that if a traveler’s donation could be tax deductible, the amount they would offer was far greater. Ambassador Bill Lane, former publisher of Sunset and friend from my many years in the travel industry, suggested that if anyone could accomplish my goal, Bill Somerville was the person. One phone call to Bill and I had the program under way.”
– Duncan Beardsley, founder of Generosity in Action, a PVF designated fund