Everyone Gets to Be a Scientist!

 In grantmaking, non-profit, philanthropy, PVF News, Science Grants Program, teacher grants

by Catie Davis, Program Associate

In order to make hands-on science activities and experiences accessible to students, Philanthropic Ventures Foundation created the Science Resource Grants in 2015. Through this program, any TK-12 teacher working at a low-income public school in Alameda, San Francisco, San Mateo, or Santa Clara County can apply for a grant up to $500 for hands-on materials to enhance their classroom science instruction, with a focus on life sciences and chemistry.

The following is a report from Richelle Shimada, a 2nd grade Teacher at LUCHA Elementary School who was awarded science kits for a unit on chemistry matter and its interactions.

The impact of this chemistry science grant has been tremendous and we have only completed one experiment! Prior to having these kits, most of our experiments, were more like a demonstration. The first time we did the volcano experiment I had just one sad little volcano! My students all attentively watched because they are sweethearts. They enjoyed it somewhat, but one tiny human remarked, “I wish we all had volcanoes to explode.”

I looked at her and said, “I wish that too.” Several others agreed, but we moved onto other things. I kept thinking about the earnest comment, so  I set out to try and make that wish a reality. But my concern was I had already been awarded an Art Grant with you all and other grants can be challenging to come by this late. However your colleague, encouraged me to apply.


Thankfully, we were awarded it! This time with 1 or 2 friends to volcano, the excitement was infectious, everyone was involved, everyone was engaged! The tiny humans are even excited to write about our acid and base volcano experiment! Now instead of respectfully tolerating science, they are riveted and asked about 50 times today to do more experiments, where they could be the scientist! I was so pleased to exclaim, “Yes! We can do many more!” 50 times! Thank you for for providing hands on opportunities, so everyone gets to be the scientist.

Thank you for infusing true engagement, excitement, and a hunger to learn and DO more experiments!

Science Resource Grants are still available for the 2023-2024 school year! For more information on eligibility and how to apply, click below.

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