Desks Will Be Built
by PVF Program and Communications Associate, Cayman Bentley
Most schools in Zambia do not have adequate educational materials like desks, books, rulers, maps, charts and many other resources needed for the provision of education to children. Trying to obtain an education without resources is like having an education without a future.
Pictured through out the post are desks being built for students at a school in South Luangwa, Zambia. The purpose of having these desks built is so that Zambian students can learn and complete school tasks with the same resources as the rest of the world. Having a desk where you can complete your school works makes a huge difference in a child’s confidence and attitude towards education. Since 2010 Project Luangwa has supported some 500 children through the whole of their schooling. Of the students they have sponsored at secondary school, 73% have then gone on to higher education or full time employment. Project Luangwa has also helped to improve educational opportunities for girls, removing them from potentially harmful situations and supporting them to find a career and improve their literacy and numeracy levels.
“Thank you for giving us such a wonderful opportunity to make a difference in our world. When I view these pictures, I am transported back to our visits and the time that we have spent in Mfuwe. These memories are as permanent as a steel desk in a classroom and the hope that they will be put to good use. When Aaron’s pictures arrive, I will frame a collage of pictures to help us remember what you have meant to us.” – Ken Hodges, President of Benefit Plan Services to Project Luangwa CEO, Ian Macallan.

Quality and sustainable education cannot continue or be given without any formal documentation or resources to back it up. There is need for educational materials at basic level in many schools in Zambia. There is a need to improve the procurement of books and other educational materials in order to improve the standard of the Zambian educational system in both rural and urban areas.
With the kind support of individual sponsors, Project Luangwa currently supports 147 of the most vulnerable children to attain a secondary education. In addition they also provide for 55 students at University or College across Zambia. The purpose of Project Luangwa is to empower communities of Luangwa Valley through the benefits of tourism by investing in education. Project Luangwa is a Designated Fund of Philanthropic Ventures Foundation. Find out how you can donate to the cause by clicking here.