Giving Gap: Critically Supporting Black Leaders and Non-Profits

by Cayman Bentley, PVF’s Program and Communications Associate
“Giving platforms have tremendous influence on where donors choose to donate. Supporting Black leaders and nonprofits is a critical piece in tackling systemic racism,” said Heather Infantry, CEO of Giving Gap, a platform that advances racial equity in charitable giving. “We are excited to be part of the Giving Platform Collaborative to activate our partners to both ‘BackBlack’ nonprofits and demonstrate the Black nonprofit sector’s breadth of offerings. Together, we will gain valuable insights for future campaigns and provide a baseline for how we can close the giving gap.”
This August, Giving Gap is fully committed to making a difference by supporting Black-led nonprofits. Giving Gap is part of the “BackBlack” campaign, which aims to address the funding disparities that are affecting these orgs. According to statistics, revenues of Black-led nonprofits are 24% smaller than their White-led nonprofit counterparts. White-led orgs are also six times more likely to receive corporates donations over BIPOC orgs. To combat this, “BackBlack” is an initiative designed to even the playing field and direct more resources and funding to undervalued Black-led orgs as well as build a greater awareness for these racial disparities in funding so that these gaps can be closed.

The “Back Black” campaign is part of a new Giving Platform Collaborative aimed at solving disparities in philanthropic funding and originated during the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s 2023 Greater Giving Summit.
Though the “BackBlack” campaign was just started, the effects of the changes that are being made will continue to happen in years to come. With the knowledge of racial disparities being spread and more orgs stepping up to close the funding gap, Black-led organizations will begin to to see an increase in corporate funding and overall donations.