Small, but Significant Impact

 In grantmaking, PVF News, Social Worker Grant Program

Recognizing the timely needs of vulnerable youth in foster care or court dependency, PVF created the Social Worker/CASA Resource Grant Program. This program awards grants up to $250 to Social Workers and/or Court Appointed Special Advocates who work with youth in foster care or dependency, including non-minor dependents.

These grants are designed to meet the critical needs of youth that they may not be able to otherwise obtain, such as getting a laptop to complete homework and apply for college or paying for drivers training lessons to get their license, as identified by their Social Workers and Court-Appointed Special Advocates.

We have seen these small grants make a big impact in the lives of our communities’ children and youth.

In addition to basic essentials such as clothing, eye glasses, dental care, tutoring, etc., this grant can be used for a variety of items or experiences that the Social Worker or CASA believes would better their youth’s life. Some examples of how this grant has been recently used include:

  • Professional business attire for graduating seniors and non-minor dependents to prepare for job interviews
  • Furniture for non-minor dependents transitioning from foster care to Independent Living Skills Program
  • Art classes for dependent youths as recommended by a therapist to allow for self-regulation, brain restructuring and improved self-esteem
  • Gym memberships, weights, bikes or other exercise equipment to support healthy lifestyles, a positive outlet and independence for teenage foster youth
  • Weighted blankets, noise canceling headphones or activity kits for dependent youths who struggle with sensory issues and self regulation

In the past 15 years we have given out thousands of these small grants to Bay Area dependent youth, and each grant has been awarded within 48 hours of us receiving a one-page request from a social worker or CASA. We strive to support high needs, disadvantaged youth by removing traditional philanthropic obstacles in order to get funds directly to where they are needed the most.

To apply for a Social Worker/CASA Resource Grant, please visit our webpage.

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