Fremont Market at Fremont High School
by Cayman Bentley, PVF’s Program and Communications Associate
PVF’s Program and Communications Associate, Cayman Bentley, recently attended “Fremont Market”, an event held at Fremont High School and spearheaded by the school’s Serve Your Way Club, a student led event coalition. The event was funded by a grant from the Oakland Thrives’ Youth Joy and Wellness Fund, which is administered by PVF.
The event brought together over 20 different small local business to highlight their community contributions. Multiple small businesses formed a market in the school’s courtyard during lunch time to provide students a free shopping experience with clothing, food, and music.
Businesses like Street Level Health Project and Momma Beef Jerky were on sight to provide students with free food and snacks while they shopped with other venders. La Clinica, a California Health Center, was also on site to hand out info and resources for different types of sicknesses that young people today are facing, like COVID, the flu, mononucleosis, etc.

When talking with , the school counselor and administration point person for the Serve Your Way Club, she gave all credit to the students. “Honestly, I just oversee them, but it was the kids that put this all together. They found the vendors, chose the music that kept up energy, and promoted this event throughout the school all on their own. The only thing I did was apply for the Youth Joy and Wellness Grant and helped them budget how this money would be spent. Our goal is to make this market an annual event so future student can enjoy this connection to the community, and learn more about the small businesses and organizations in their neighborhood.”

The Youth Joy and Wellness Fund is currently exhausted, but keep an eye on our website and sign up for our Progress Newsletter to be informed when the Fund re-opens.