Math Resource Grant – Engaging with Math in an Interactive and Fun Way!

 In grantmaking, Mathematics Grant Program, PVF News, teacher grants

The Mathematics Resource Program at PVF has been serving low-income families in San Mateo and Alameda County for years, allowing them to purchase much-needed math resources for their classrooms.

Thanks to the Heising-Simons Foundation, we are able to get critical math materials and professional development for public school classrooms and infant, toddler, and preschool teachers who often struggle with limited resources. We are proud to share with you some of the impacts these grants have made:

“It is with the highest level of gratitude that I am writing to thank you for your incredibly generous grant of $500 to spend on math materials in my Kindergarten classroom for instruction in this 2021-22 school year. As everyone knows, this year was replete with various challenges due to the pandemic, its subsequent rules, and the effects the last couple of years have had on young children.

These materials played a huge role in my students’ success this year. As I mentioned above, the challenges of the current times have led to many Kindergarteners coming into the school year with very little academic knowledge, and that showed with their math skills at the beginning of the year.

By the end of the year, with the help of these math materials, my students had had amazing success and growth in their math skills. 16 of my 19 students met 100% of their math benchmark goals by the end of the year, and the other three students came very close. The math manipulatives I purchased with your math grant helped them so much in gaining number sense, problem solving, counting, adding, subtracting, and analyzing shapes this year. Thank you again for this amazing resource you provide teachers – the work you do is invaluable!


The materials I was able to purchase for math instruction this year were uniquely valuable for my students’ learning, as many of them were starting at square one when it came to number sense and general math knowledge at the beginning of the school year.”- Joe Segal, Kindergarten Teacher, Bishop Elementary School


“Thank you so much for your generous grant to Latimer School that enabled us to buy multiplication and division games for our third grade classes. These games allowed for our third graders to achieve the fact fluency and understanding needed to be successful this school year. Because of your support, the third graders were able to engage with math in an interactive and fun way!

We appreciate all that you do to continually support students.” – Helma Lee, 2nd Grade Teacher, Latimer School

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