PVF’S Excursion Grants Support First Time Experiences
When one donor came to us wanting to find a way to help children have fun, little did we know that it would result in one of our most robust and popular teacher grant programs. More than ten years later, we have given out more than $700,000 in Excursion Grants to public schools in San Mateo and Alameda Counties.
The Excursion Grant Program, funded by The Geballe Family, provides grants of up to $1,000 for teachers to take their students on field trips. For many students, these field trips mark the first time they are visiting a particular place, such as the beach, a museum, or San Francisco. For many teachers, these grants allow them to teach beyond the restrictions of the classroom.
Below is a report back from Mrs. Kubota-Arcarese, Mr. Sedano, and Ms. Warner, Elementary School Teachers in Daly City, on how they and their students used an Excursion Grant this school year.
With the generous donation from the Geballe Family we were able to provide a field trip to Hidden Villa Farm for all of our students. The trip included admission and a guided tour of the farm.
This was the first field trip for all of the children and for many of them their first experience on a farm. Our students were able to interact with, feed, and play with the animals. We were allowed to enter the various pens and barns. Along with the excitement of getting up close and personal with sheep, goats, chickens and pigs, the docents provided information and facts about all the animals. There were hands on displays and brief question and answer periods.
In addition to visiting the animals we toured the farm’s expansive garden. The children were encouraged to taste many of the fruits and vegetables that are grown there. The garden tour also included an introduction to composting and green waste.
This trip had a positive impact on the students of our classes. They were able to learn in a new environment and engage in different ways outside of the classroom. As a follow up to our visit each child drew pictures and wrote thank you notes to the docents at Hidden Villa Farm. To the Gaballe Family, we thank you for the opportunity to offer this trip to our students and appreciate your generosity.