Operation School Bell
Last month PVF made a $5,000 safety net grant to support Operation School Bell in San Mateo County. With this grant, the Assistance League of San Mateo County was able to provide new clothes to 2,500 disadvantaged children in grades K-7. The following is an excerpt we received in a report back from the organization.
Thank you again for including us in your grant distribution. We are extremely grateful. Each child that we serve receives a hygiene kit that includes a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap and a comb. Each child also receives 6 pair of socks and underwear, two shirts, two pair of pants, a zippered sweatshirt and books. We have women who shop for bargains and fill our racks with clothes the students love. The upstairs room at our Chapter House has been transformed into a children’s boutique equipped with 6 fitting rooms and mirrors for the students to see themselves in new clothes. It has been difficult during Covid because we only get the request forms with sizes from the schools and don’t get to see the children. I hope we are able to work again in person with the children in the fall. There is nothing more heart-warming than the look on a child’s face when they see themselves in new clothes and ask if they can wear them back to school.
The grant from Philanthropic Ventures Foundation is making it possible for us to continue to serve our community.