A Bright Light in a Youth’s Life
By Savannah Lira, Program Officer
PVF’s Social Worker/CASA Resource Grant program provides $250 grants to social workers and CASAs (Court Appointed Special Advocates) to support the critical needs of foster youth and/or youth in dependency.
In 2020, we gave over $37,000 in 156 grants to benefit dependent youth’s critical and extracurricular needs, from phone plans and laptops to gym memberships and tutoring sessions to new clothes, prescription glasses, bikes, school supplies, and furniture. We have seen these small grants make a big impact in the lives of our communities’ children and youth. Below are a few notes from reports we’ve received from CASAs, social workers, and foster children.
“Thank you for granting the $250 resource grant for educational materials and clothing for my CASA youth. As his CASA, I strive to improve educational outcomes and provide Micah with enrichment activities. It is important at his age to be able to touch and relay what he is learning. Here is a photo of CASA Youth making play dough this past weekend (It was our first visit since the shelter in place has been lifted). He enjoyed making the playdough and mixing the colors. He ended up making four batches with the materials.” – Mary, CASA Volunteer, Alameda County
“I wanted to write and thank you for the donation of $200 for the bike for my youth. We picked it up recently and he had just as much fun putting it together as he does riding it. It has provided him with so much freedom now. He also looks forward to riding it to school in the Fall since he is not comfortable riding the bus. Many thanks to you and your team for shining a bright light in a youths life.” – Mara, CASA Volunteer, San Francisco County
“I’ve completed the purchase of the punching bag, gloves and hand wraps for my CASA youngster. I heard a suggestion that he really should have hand wraps (protects wrist and knuckles) and picked them up last weekend. It’s a very neat setup. The base is filled with water (could drain and easily move elsewhere) and the shaft has groves and ledges so one can rotate the bag a few degrees and raise it (punching) or lower it (kicking). Caregiver has easily taken the bag inside for protection from a recent storm (it’s in an outside gazebo). I scanned (included here) a note from the youngster. To wrap this up, your foundation has made a big difference in his life and we thank you. It is so helpful to have a foundation like yours that is willing to provide important support to CASA youngsters.” – John, CASA Volunteer, Contra Costa County.
“Thank you for buying me the punching bag and gloves. I really appreciate it. I use it all the time.” – a 13 year old dependent youth