Distance Learning
By Savannah Lira, Program Officer
The 2020-2021 school year has officially begun and remote learning is the new normal. Zoom meetings have replaced in-person classrooms, and with this change comes new needs.
PVF is committed to supporting our teachers during these unprecedented times. Our wide range of Teacher Resource Grants remain open, including: Arts, Environmental Science, Math, Science, Special Education, and Visiting Artist. Our streamlined, one-page application remains the same, and we are open to all innovative ideas that support you and your students in navigating online learning.
Below are examples of requests we have received so far this school year:
– “PE Packs” of adapted fitness and sport equipment to send home to special education students so they have the necessary equipment to access instruction virtually with the required materials.
– Art materials to send home to 2nd grade students so that they can complete projects during an online drawing class from a Visiting Artist.
– Puppets to engage 2nd grade students in talking about math and strengthen their math vocabulary skills.
– Periodic tables and molecule kits to send home to 7th grade students so that they can explore science concepts and enhance their chemistry curriculum.
– A subscription to National Geographic Kids Magazine for 4th and 5th grade students to read and discuss as part of their Environmental Science curriculum.
– Literacy/STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) kits in both English and Spanish for K-2nd grade students to plant seeds, observe their growth, and consider what “seeds” their imagination.

SPARK kits created by Agency by Design Oakland
Do you have an interesting idea to support distance learning education? Visit our Teacher Resource Program webpages and send in your application today!