3 Years of BetterBrave
By Savannah Lira, Program Officer
When the #metoo movement started three years ago, many women reached out to PVF to launch new ideas and initiatives in this space. Kater Gordon, founder of Modern Alliance, was one of them. She loved the work BetterBrave was doing in the same space and connected their founder Tammy Cho to us.
Tammy founded BetterBrave in 2017 to tackle sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace after her own experiences as a female in the tech industry. Since the launch, BetterBrave has equipped over 30,000 workers across the nation with knowledge of their rights and connect hundreds of individuals to resources including pro bono employment lawyers and support groups.
BetterBrave have created a variety of programs over the years, including a research center to better understand how sexual harassment and discrimination differs across industries, a community podcast that explores aspects of workplace harassment, and guides to help prepare for conversations with lawyers.
This year they are celebrating 3 years of empowering employees with knowledge about their rights, options, and strategies for speaking out against injustices at work. They have now launched their BetterBrave Community Platform, a free encyclopedia of worker’s rights where resources are crowdsourced by the community, curated by a panel of experts, and published live for the community to access for free.

Congratulations BetterBrave on 3 incredible years! We look forward to seeing what you do next.