Donor Advised Fund Supports Homeless Individuals in Redwood City
by Anita Brown, Program Officer
“The rainy night before last, a man who is sick and struggling to stay alive while he waits for a kidney donation, was lying on a mattress that had been left on our porch. He asked if he could sleep there for the night. I said yes, and I went inside the house thinking that there might be one last sleeping bag he could use. We didn’t have any sleeping bags, so I got out a couple of blankets from our house. As I put them over him, he moved in comfort and murmured thanks…. Then, your grant came!”
Through one of PVF’s donor-advised funds, we were able to offer a discretionary grant to Susan Crane, a Catholic Worker at Catholic Worker House in Redwood City to address the immediate needs of people she encounters. “For immediate help in the cold, rain and mud, it’s warm sleeping bags that we need,” she reported.

PVF’s donor grant allowed Catholic Worker House to purchase sleeping bags for the homeless as well as other necessary items like tents, toothpaste, body wipes (for dry showers), clothes, bus tokens/tickets, razors, socks, and gloves.
“Thank you for the generous grant to help our brothers and sisters who are living on the streets,” wrote Susan.
We love working with our donors who find advisors with deep roots in the community to help direct giving with impact.