Where’s James? Visiting a Childcare Center in Full Bloom

 In Where's James
Dr. Naureen Shaikh and Patricia Malaga of Blossom Childcare

Dr. Naureen Shaikh and Patricia Malaga of Blossom Childcare

I drove across the Golden Gate Bridge and our sun dappled bay to Sausalito.  Even in this tranquil setting, the Inequality Gap lies just below the service.  I spent the morning with Naureen Shaikh, MD., a family doctor who opened Blossom Childcare after noticing that childcare facilities aren’t equipped to handle special situations.  It is a safe and nurturing environment for children and families dealing with domestic violence, neglect, illness, injury or death in the family, separation, divorce, and other traumatic situations.  The friendly, inviting facility is an oasis for the children and their families in this community.

The warmth of the inviting facility is only outshone by the warmth of the good works of Dr. Shaikh, the staff, and volunteers that are in full bloom here.


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