Where’s James? Meeting with an Advocate for Sexually-Exploited Youth

 In Where's James

Every day, some of the Bay Area’s most vulnerable youth are sexually exploited for other people’s profit. They are bought and sold, beaten, drugged, hustled, molested, and raped. Ultimately, they are discarded when they no longer fetch a price. The number of Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) is increasing, while the average age is decreasing. Further, these youth are often considered criminals, as if they’re seeking to be abused, rather than victims of domestic human trafficking.

An advocate of this vulnerable population is MISSSEY, a, organization founded in 2007 to respond to this heartbreaking epidemic of sexual exploitation. Located in Alameda County, MISSSEY provides comprehensive services in a safe environment to support and serve sexually exploited youth. They also work to provide information to the community and government about the commercial sexual exploitation of children.

During a visit to MISSSEY’s office, Executive Director and Co-Founder Nola Brantley showed me what the holiday spirit is all about.  She even gave up her office space so that room could be made for the gift bags that volunteer angels have been busily wrapping so that the most vulnerable youth, who are survivors of human trafficking, can have a joyful holiday.Where's James - MISSEY

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