Where’s James? Seeing the Results of Community Building

 In Where's James
Foundation for a College Education

Marcelino Plascencia, Assistant Director of Programs, & Anna L. Waring, Executive Director, from Foundation for a College Education

Anna L. Waring, Executive Director of Foundation for a College Education, believes education is the purest and most powerful means of social justice. Foundation for a College Education (FCE) is working towards this form of social justice by increasing the number of students of color from East Palo Alto and the surrounding area who graduate from a four-year college or university.

Of the 130 students who have graduated from FCE’s high school program since 1999, 100% have enrolled in a college or university. Furthermore, 85% of enrolled FCE’s students have either graduated from college or on track to graduate.

How do they get such concrete results?  By developing strong enduring ties not only to the students but also to their parents. We believe this is a triumph of community building.

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